
The college is organised into year groups, with a Dean responsible for each year level. Deans follow their year group through the school and build up a detailed knowledge of their students.

They work closely with teachers and guidance staff to enable students to enjoy positive experiences at school. Their role is wide-ranging. Their major responsibilities are:

  • Enrolment procedures
  • Academic guidance of their students, e.g., advice regarding option choices
  • Pastoral care
  • Running a weekly assembly
  • Meeting with and guiding Hui mai teachers
  • Reports overview and preparation of testimonials
  • Prizegiving organisation

Parents and students are encouraged to contact the Dean about any concerns.

2024 DEANS

Year 9      Sarah Reynolds  |  BEd (Extension 724)
Year 10    Hannah Arthur   |  BSci, DipTchg (Extension 725)
Year 11    Stuart Braithwaite   |  BSc, Dip Tchg (Extension 726)
Year 12    James Appleby  | BA, , MA, DipTchg (Extension 722)
Year 13    Raneeta Prasad   |  BA, DipTchg (Extension 723)                

Academic Advisor  Neil Waddington  |  BCom, DipEd (ext 727)
Administration Dean  Ron Delgrosso  |  MA, DipTchg (ext 728)

From left to right: Hannah Arthur, Neil Waddington, James Appleby, Stu Braithwaite, Sarah Reynolds and Raneeta Prasad